Tuesday, August 28, 2012


"ne hyung, ne nuna? ah waeguraeyeo?" << the cutest lyrics ever in a song. ever. (at least in kpop ofcourse cos all of it are mostly about love yadedadada *yawns*)
ajhfajkhfakjhf had been spazzing since the mv release!!!! psht i must be crazy. but hey after all it's gd that we're all talking bout *.* can't believe i'm missing the best opportunity to see them irl. AH HECK WHY ARE ALL THE CONCERTS JUST BEFORE MY Os damn life is unfair...

.............. anw. can somebody remind me why did i even switched on the laptop in the first place? I'm supposed to be having a date with my books. pfft just farking 3 more months until 16 nov!!!!! BY THEN I'D BE A FREE BITCH BABEHHH woop.