Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Her heart was a secret garden and the walls were very high.

Hi cupcakes! Ok i kinda lied saying that i'm not gonna blog until 16 Nov comes. Well, i am kinda "free" nao for about a week or so before i complete the last 2 papers of my Os! Hehe having a taste of my freedom first. Hmm the previous papers were manageable, thankfully (alhamdullilah). The only subject i'm worried for would be physics lol but hey am not gonna include that in my L1R5/R4. Kekeke oh and the bellcurve!!! T_T hope i can secure my As..

So anyway, had been spending the whole of my time youtube-ing and catching up on a lot of shows. This is one of the vids that's farni as hell hahahaha

The last 3 kids were adorable and did not even cry when they got to know abt their stolen candies aww they'd grow into great adults :')